
About us

Innovations Publication is well known publisher around the world  and Innovations is internationally peer-reviewed journal. Innovations aim to publish original research articles and review articles in diverse fields of Social Sciences and related. This is non-profit, non-stock refereed scientific journal in the world. An innovation is quarterly publication with non-commercial purpose. Innovations Journal has been indexed in the well-known world databases such as Scopus and Cosmos . Innovations recognized as a primary instrument for projecting and supporting the goals and objectives, which include scholarly research and the free exchange of ideas. Innovations appreciate systematic reviews, original papers, and peer-reviewed research on all aspects of social science.



➡ Papers are invite for publication in 76 Number (March 2024)

➡ You can find our journal in Cairn International database also but not in Taylor & Francis publication, please check all information carefully before publishing your valuable paper.

➡ Innovations is active Scopus and Scimago indexed journal

➡ Scopus Cite score (2023) 01.00 and Scientific Journal Ranking (2023) 0.255

➡ Journal update make in every 15 days