
Publication Fee

                                 The author must pay Publication Fee after accepting the research paper, which will mentioned in Acceptance Email, be sure there will be only Publication Fees but no Submission Fees. The editors and reviewers puts much effort in dealing with the manuscript and expects the authors to stick to the common plan of publishing the paper which is linked to Publication Fee at the end of the review process. The Corresponding Author is expected to arrange payments of the amount stated. If the author thinks Publication Fee reduction, this can be discussed and doubt will certainly be addressed.


Corresponding Author is liable to paid Publication Fees behalf of all authors and after paid Publication Fees corresponding author should email the publication fees invoice

There is no author limit upto six authors and more than six author publication fees will be double

Publication Fee:

Foreign Author

Upto two authors - 70 USD
Upto four authors - 80 USD
Upto six authors - 100 USD



Indian Author

QR of Publication Fees
6000 INR (Upto two authors)
7000 INR (Upto four authors)
8000 INR (Upto six authors)

Please do not ask about account information and please contact us if you have any problem regarding publication fees.


➡ Papers are invite for publication in 76 Number (March 2024)

➡ You can find our journal in Cairn International database also but not in Taylor & Francis publication, please check all information carefully before publishing your valuable paper.

➡ Innovations is active Scopus and Scimago indexed journal

➡ Scopus Cite score (2023) 01.00 and Scientific Journal Ranking (2023) 0.255

➡ Journal update make in every 15 days