Levels of educational development in Bankura District, West Bengal
Dr. Anjumoni Boruah
literacy may be defined as the person who is more than seven years of age read, write and understanding in any language of society . It is an essential part of human life which eradicates poverty and mental isolations. Literacy influences on society for creating friendly and peaceful environment. It is an important index of development of society. It influences on fertility, mortality, social advancement, friendly international relations, economic growth, political maturity, occupation etc. Illiteracy on the other hand is the major hindrance of development. It retarded society from of all sides by ignorance of real understanding of society. The district Bankura is located in between 22038'N to 23038'N latitude and 86036' E to 87046' E longitude. It is located at the western part of West Bengal and eastern part of Chhotonagpur plateau. The eastern part of this district is a part of Gangetic deltaic region. According to the census 2011 more than quarter number peoples are illiterates. Here the literacy is 70.26% where the male is 80.05% and female is only 60.05%. Here many people migrates seasonally to the eastern part of some other district like Burdwan and Hooghly as a labour to the agricultural field of paddy sowing and cutting times of both aman and boro seasons. Here many people are very poor. In this paper I will try to show the development and problem of literacy by different statistical, cartographic methods. Literacy development index and index of deprivation have been computed for this purposes and lastly a major comparison will be made to show the temporal variation and trends of literacy.
The relationship among language, culture and thought and There addition to a variety of gestures, rituals and paralinguistic features- A study
Rajashekhar Shirvalka
Learning a language is as crucially dependent on factors within learners as it is upon those without. People do not learn a language which is not available to them either in visual, auditory or some other forms. What do learners learn, how they learn, what the role of social factors in their learning is and what is the role of individual factors in the learning; all these are very interesting questions in the field of second language acquisition. Language learning or acquisition both are synonymous words in recent years. But second language acquisition is a different process from the first language learning, because human beings are genetically prepared for having the full fledged idea of their first language which is innate by nature, but un-consciously second language is acquired by them depending upon their various socio-cultural learning situations mediated by media, which is taking place through dialogue, with classroom discourse, reflecting the history, cultural values and social practices of children’s schools and communities.
The pioneering practice of food fermentation shares an integral part of cultural heritage from ancient Indian civilization
Amal kumar Deshmukh
The pioneering practice of food fermentation shares an integral part of cultural heritage from ancient Indian civilization for sustained nutrition and food preservation. More than five thousand different fermented foods are being consumed worldwide, many of which are produced by native people of certain locality using locally available plant or animal products. These are prepared either naturally or by adding starter cultures containing some specific microorganisms which can modify the substrate into edible product. Assam, the second largest state of Northeast India, is rich in both biological and cultural diversity and inhibited by a number of ethnic communities. This study documents the traditional knowledge on fermented food products of Lakhimpur District of Assam, India.
Land-use status of Jalpaiguri district and compare it to state and nation
Mr.Braja Kishore Sahoo
Today the rational use of land has great importance due to growth of population, as well as the increasing demand of food grain. The importance that the question has gained today is the consequence of years of socio-economic development and of a new agriculture order and the generation of new agrarian surpluses. Jalpaiguri is poised for further and rapid advance into a new phase of industrial modernization, urbanization and diversification into different forms of non agriculture economic activity. In the permanently settled parganas of the district most of the available land is under cultivation and there is not much room for extension. This paper will show us the land use pattern of the district as well as its further recommendation
Critical analysis of Personality, Attribution and Environment and psychological relation
Creativity as an established research field in Psychology is no more side-lined as in the first half of 20th century. There are many aspects observed in the types of studies published in the contemporary journals on creativity. A review of researches done in the area of creativity is presented under three thematic categories - Personality, Attribution and Environment. The study of personality factors includes the effect of psychopathology, motivation, attention and memory in the creative performance. The study of a creative environment includes the creativity training, studying anti-creative environments, technology, the role of ambiguity and the knowledge provided. The study of environmental factors includes parenting styles, effect of technology on creativity of children in classrooms, anti-creative environments, tolerance of ambiguity and creativity training. The study of Cultural factors includes social, political, religious and economical aspects which influence creativity. The three dimensions of Personality, Attribution, and Environment are critically analysed.
Nutritional status of students in primary classes of Kaushambi, Uttar Pradesh
Sayantika Palvan
For giving a boost to universalisation of primary education by increasing enrolment, attendance and retention and simultaneously improving the nutritional status of students in primary classes, The National Programme of Nutritional Support to Primary Education which is popularly known as the Mid-day Meal Scheme was launched by the Government of India in 1995. In this research study an evaluation of Mid Day Programme in Kaushambi is being done mainly based on primary data. The universe of the study is Kaushambi block Muratganj and the sample size used is 100 children of government schools. Views of some of the available teachers in the schools are also covered in this study. The study states that MDM Programmme is really helpful in removing classroom hunger, increasing enrollments and daily attendance of the children. Several steps are yet to be taken to improve the implementation of the programme and to provide best quality of Mid-Day Meal to school children.
Post-Soviet Russia revolution on transition in Russia was marked by various political experiments
Madhusudhan Karmakar
This work examines the process of Refederalization and scope of Federalism in Post-Soviet Russia. Russian federal system underwent through various changes after the disintegration of the Soviet Union. It came into existence because of various treaties signed between the central government and the regions. Russian federal structure is asymmetrical in nature, marked by conflict over system of power sharing between the Center and the regions. An institutional mechanism has been created to ensure the effective implementation of federal principles. But an overarching control of President over political affairs, foreign policy and economy could prove harmful for the successful evolution
Use of Internet market with few clicks with Analytical hierarchical Process
Nirmala chavan
Purpose – The objective of the research study is to explore the problems and risk perceived by the women customers in the process of online shopping. In order to achieve this objective, the opinion of the ten randomly selected frequent online shopper women customers is analyzed from two cities of Haryana state of India using the statistical method “Analytical hierarchical Process (AHP)”. This study focuses on the loopholes of online shopping factors explaining the online buying behavior among women customer. Approach – In the research study the objective is to explore the problems and risk perceived by the women customers in the process of online shopping. In order to achieve this objective, the opinion of the ten randomly selected frequent online shopper women customers is analysed using the statistical method “Analytical hierarchical Process (AHP)”. In this process the various available perceived risks associated with online shopping are listed on the basis of literature review as well as discussions with the women customers doing the online shopping. These selected women customers were asked to compare these different mentioned risk pairwise with the help of a questionnaire especially designed for the purpose (attached in annexure 2). On the basis of received responses from the selected women customers the process of AHP is applied. Findings –The results of the AHP provided the factors indicating the different loopholes and fear aspects of the online shopping behavior of the women customers. The naming of these loopholes in online shopping are fear of gap between expected and received product, fear of personal safety during the time of delivery ,more risky process in terms of payment, price of product, risk of right product delivery, risk of product quality, no feel and touch, no enjoyment, inability to use internet, medium of recreation. Conclusion –This paper studies the loopholes in online shopping from the prospective of women customers doing online shopping. From a theoretical point of view, not many empirical studies have been conducted to study the loopholes of online shopping with perspective of women.
Views on the impact of microfinance on the poverty eradication and women's empowerment
Suman Paul
The traditional literature implies that, the impact of microfinance have been divided between those who see it as a means for women's empowerment and others who looks SHGS as a challenge with respect to poverty reduction and empowerment of poor women. It becomes apparent that while access to financial services can and does make vital contributions to the economic productivity and social well-being of poor women and their households. However, the claims of poverty reduction due to microfinance are still a matter of debate. The fundamental question that we face right now is, has microfinance actually contributed to development. This research paper attempts to understand the impact of SHG on women empowerment through a case study in Imphal East District in Manipur as a story of unsuccessful case. The failures of SHGs to achieve the goal of poverty reduction and fulfill its role as an instrument for poverty alleviation have been evaluated and lessons and evidences learnt have been incorporated in the paper.